Thursday, January 31, 2013


by Chip Brogden

(This article is based on a spoken message titled "Overcoming Fear and Worry" and is available in it's entirety through the following link: http://www.TheSchoolOfChrist.Org/audio/cds123.html  )
"I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself" (Gen. 3:10).

The first mention of fear in the Bible is in the context of man being afraid of God. I want you to think about that .The very first thing phobia in recorded history was Theophobia – the fear of God. That's actually a word – Theophobia. You can look it up in a medical dictionary. It means "a morbid fear of God".
Man, almost from the very beginning of his existence, has suffered from Theophobia .And I would suggest that virtually every fear we have – not all, but most of them – are connected to this overriding, overwhelming, fear of God. Most fear is based on ignorance. I am afraid of what I don't know, what I don't understand. So then, if I don't know God, and I don't understand God, and religion feeds me a steady diet of untruths and half-truths about God that plays to my fears, then of course I will be afraid of God.This fear either makes me run away and hide from God, or it makes me try to appease God.For example, maybe I will go to church because I think it makes God happy for me to go to church.

You really need to see that a religious person trying to please God is just as ignorant as a "sinner" trying to hide from God.Neither one of them have a right understanding of God.Everything they do is based on fear.One refuses to go to church because he's afraid of God.The other goes to church because he's afraid of God.Isn't it interesting how fear can drive people to do the exact opposite things!

God does not lead us according to our fears.How easy it is to justify our fears under the pretext that, "This is how we feel led."Are you really sure about that?Many times we aren't led by God, we are led by our fears.Take, as an example, someone who has the revelation of Christ, they have a revelation of the Body of Christ, the Church that Jesus is building, but they continue to stay where they are, even though it is all dead to them.What is their reasoning?"Well, I'm afraid.Where will I go?What will I do for fellowship?What will all my friends think?"The pastor finds out about it and says you need to have a spiritual covering, and the wolves like to prey on the isolated sheep, and if you don't stay in church the devil's going to get you and God's going to be unhappy, etc. etc.And then they rationalize it by saying God wants them to stay where they are an "be a light in a dark place" and bloom where they're planted and all that nonsense.I'm not saying that can't happen. I'm saying, is it really God who wants you to stay where you are, or are you just giving in to fear?

God has not given us the spirit of fear.That's the point – not whether it's right or wrong to stay or to go, but rather, what is driving you?What's motivating you?What's controlling you?

The Bible says that "God is love."It also says that "Perfect love casts out fear."God is perfect, and God is perfect love.So love, not fear, should characterize our friendship with God.We are to be motivated by love, not by fear.Let's take daily devotions for example.A lot of people will pray or read the Bible for a few minutes at the beginning of their day.A lot of people do not, and feel guilty for not doing it.I want you to begin to examine your motivation for doing something.Ask yourself why?Keep going deeper and deeper with this questioning.It isn't what you do or don't do, it's your reason for doing it.It is very easy for a spiritual thing to turn into a religious thing.Then, if we don't have our morning prayer time, we are irritable and angry the rest of the day.Or, we feel guilty if we don't do it.Or, we do it, and feel good about doing it, and like to think about how we are more spiritual than those who don't do it.It's very easy to slip into something other than love.You begin to pray out of fear of what might happen if you don't.I would suggest that is the wrong motivation for praying.

Whether you pray, or read the Bible, there is only one motivation.I love God and I want to know Him better.That's it.I'm not afraid of what might happen if I don't do something.I'm not trying to earn His approval.I know He loves me the same whether I pray or not.But you see, you come to a more accurate knowing of God, and you're able to let go of those unreasonable fears about God.Depending on your religious background it could take a long time to undo all that disinformation about God.That's OK, it's part of the learning process.

But I believe this is the key to overcoming all fear and worry – getting over our Theophobia, our fear of God.Once you know that God is one your side, once you know He isn't out to hit your over the head every time you make a mistake you are well on your way to overcoming the fear of everything else.

» If you suffer from fear and worry then you should check this out: http://www.TheSchoolOfChrist.Org/audio/cds123.html (see articles)

Eph 6:21 J.Vernon McGee

Feb 13, 2009
Eph 6:12 (from J. Vernon McGee)

Eph 6:12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

The enemy whom the Christian is to fight is not flesh and blood. The enemy is spiritual, and the warfare is spiritual. That is why we need spiritual power. It is well to note that the flesh of the believer is not the enemy to be fought. The believer is to reckon the flesh dead and to yield to God. The way of victory over the flesh is outlined in Romans 6. Fighting the old nature will lead to defeat, and Paul records such an experience in Romans 7.

It is only God's armor which can withstand the strategy and onslaught of Satan who has all kinds of weapons (spiritual missiles). We need an antimissile system if we are going to overcome him. That is why it is so important for the Christian soldier to recognize that he does not fight an enemy who is flesh and blood. We are not to fight other men. The enemy is spiritual, and the warfare is spiritual. The devil is the enemy of every believer and the one here whom we are told we fight. The way to victory over the devil is to obey the commands to "put on the whole armour of God" and "to stand" (v. Eph_6:11).

We are in a spiritual battle. The devil has in battle array his minions arranged by ranks. It says that we wrestle against them. This speaks of the hand-to-hand encounter with the spiritual forces of wickedness. The translation of verse twelve is not as strong as it should be. It should actually read, "For our wrestling is not against blood and flesh, but against the principalities, against powers, against the world rulers of this darkness [and these are all spiritual], against the spiritual hosts of evil in the heavenly places." This is our warfare, and it's in progress now.

There is a demonic world around us and it is manifesting itself at the present hour. If I had said this when I was a young preacher, many would not have believed it. Or they would have said as did one dear lady, "Dr. McGee, you sound positively spooky." Today, however, demonism is a popular subject and is plainly exhibited. We have the Church of Satan in many of our cities. There are strange things happening to certain of these weird, way-out groups. A man said to me recently, "Dr. McGee, this thing is real today." Who said it wasn't real? If you are an unbeliever in this area, open your eyes and see what is happening about us. People are being ensnared and led into all kinds of demonism. There are spiritual forces working in the world, evil forces working against the church. They are working against the believer, against God, against Christ. Don't try to pooh pooh these things. It is happening, and you and I alone are no match for it.

The fact that there is a spiritual enemy to overcome is well illustrated in the tenth chapter of the Book of Daniel. Daniel had been praying, and he didn't get any answer. He had been praying for three weeks. "In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled" (Dan_10:2-3). Finally, an angel came and touched him and said, "… O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words" (Dan_10:11-12). If that was true, then Daniel had every right to ask, "Then where in the world have you been for three weeks?" Listen to the angel continue, "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia" (Dan_10:13). He was in conflict with a demon, and he had to go back for reinforcement. This was a spiritual battle that was going on, and we likewise have one today.

We have said that these powers are organized. Principalities are the demons who have the oversight of nations. They would correspond to the rank of generals. Powers are the privates who are the demons wanting to possess human beings. The rulers of the darkness of this world are those demons who have charge of Satan's worldly business. Spiritual wickedness in high places are the demons in the heavenlies who have charge of religion.

Satan has a well-organized group, and his organization is manipulating in this world right now. The heartbreak, the heartache, the suffering, the tragedies of life are the work of Satan in the background. He is the cause of the great problems that are in the world today.

We have the enemy located and identified. That enemy is spiritual. It is Satan who heads up his demonic forces. Now we need to recognize where the battle is. I think the church has largely lost sight of the spiritual battle. We feel that if we have a lovely church building and are attracting crowds and if the finances are coming in, everything is going nicely. The financial condition of a church, however, is not where the battle is. I will grant that, if a church which has been supporting itself begins to get into debt, it is an indication that something is wrong: actually, it means the battle is being lost in the spiritual realm. There should be questions such as: Are the members of the church being built up in Christ? Is the Word of God being taught? Is there a spirit of love and cooperation among the members? Is gossip reduced to a minimum? There must not be an exercise in legalism but an exercise in right relationships among those who are the brethren in Christ. Where there is a spirit of criticism and of bitterness and of hatred, the Spirit of God cannot work.

Churches like to talk about the numbers who come to Christ. They like to talk about how many decisions they have had. Yet when the facts are really boiled down and examined and you look for the so-called converts two years later, you often find that they have disappeared. We don't seem to realize that there is a spiritual warfare being carried on today and that people need to be grounded in the Word of God. It is a manifestation of demonic power that people are being blinded and carried away into all kinds of cults and religions and "isms" with false beliefs. As a result of all this, the Word of God sinks into insignificance in such churches and organizations. This is the work of the enemy, Satan and his demonic hosts.

I can't talk to you unless

Mar 24, 2009

I can't talk to you...Unless

Sadly, great numbers of Christians do not know God’s voice. Some can go for months, even years, without ever receiving an intimate word from the Lord in their inner man. Oh, God did speak to them at one time. But over the years, they’ve learned to silence his voice in their hearts. Others have been turned off by so much foolishness among those who believe that every word that pops into their minds is divine. Such people boast, “God told me”—yet the “word” they hear is only their covetous flesh taking voice!

If you want to know and hear God’s voice in the days ahead, be ready to have him speak of cleansing before he speaks of direction. Many Christians want God to tell them how to hold on to what they’ve earned, how to provide for their family, how to keep their business or career afloat. But the truth is, before God gives us a word of direction in any of these matters, he’ll speak to us about his commandments.

“These things I command you, that ye love one another” (John 15:17). God will first speak to you about your actions at home with your wife and children—about your quick temper, your grudges, your unforgiving spirit. He’ll point out every hidden, secret thing in your life—and he’ll lovingly tell you, “I want to be your adviser, your counselor, your guide, your protector, your provider. I want to walk with you through every trial and hardship. And I want to favor, bless and keep you by my Spirit. But first, you have to get honest with me about the hidden idols in your heart. Right now you’re holding on to them—but you must give them up! We simply can’t walk together unless we agree on these matters of your heart!”

--David Wilkerson

Snake Handlers

Mar 30, 2009  Snake Handlers

You cannot work effectively for Christ unless you are willing to take the risks involved. Jesus warned about the risks of encountering serpents.

I say this kindly, but the Bible says that the wicked are like poisonous serpents, and we must be snake handlers. I think it is significant that the Bible calls Satan “that old serpent” (Revelation 12:9). And Christ promised, “They shall take up serpents…” (Mark 16:18).

Jesus said, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in” (Luke 14:23). But in Ecclesiastes we are warned: “…whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him” (10:8). The hedges are filled with serpents, yet as fishers of men, we are told: “If he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?” (Luke 11:11).

Soul winners are promised “…and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them…” (Mark 16:18). This refers to a missionary’s or other believer’s accidentally imbibing a poison, but there is something far greater hidden in this Scripture. Just as surely as Christians drink of the blood of Christ—the river of life, of his divine love and beauty—we unconsciously drink also of the poison of this world when we go out to preach the gospel.

We absorb so much of the spirit of this world, we take such deadly things into our spiritual lives, that unless we receive Holy Ghost protection I do not see how Christian workers can go where sinners are. You cannot help drinking in some of these unmentionable things into your spirit. But if you drink any deadly thing while you are going after serpents in the power of Christ, the poison will not hurt you. When the Lord began to show me this truth, I would go home and pray, and I could feel the breath of the Holy Spirit pouring through my system. The poison would just drain out and I could stand up cleansed and pure—unharmed.

-David Wilkerson

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A vision of the enemy's battle plan

A Vision of The Enemy’s Battle Plan
Vision: The Enemy’s Battle Plan
May 22, 2009
by Hollie Moody

As I was praying on April 25th, 2000, I began to see in my mind a picture of the Lord. He was sitting on a rock and groups of people of all ages were gathered around Him. They all seemed to be laughing and talking together. I felt joy and peace and happiness as I viewed this scene. At times, the Lord would reach down and bring a child onto His lap. Or, He would reach out and a baby would be placed into His arms. He would then gaze down into the face of the baby and speak softly and tenderly to the baby. At other times, someone would draw close to His side, and He would place His arm around them, and draw them closer to Him.

An angel approached the Lord. The crowd before the Lord parted to allow the angel to draw near to the Lord. A silence fell over the laughing, joyous crowd as the angel stopped before the Lord and began to speak. From the way this angel was dressed, I sensed immediately that this was a warring angel. Being a warring angel and well aware of the coming battle plan of the enemy, he spoke with a strong sense of urgency and even perplexity in his voice. He was very concerned.

“There is work to be done,” the angel said to the Lord. “Why do the people only sit here idly? These are dangerous times. The people should be doing battle in prayer and in the spirit. Instead, they sit here at Your feet, laughing. They are completely unaware of what is even now transpiring in the courts of hell.” With great concern in his voice, the angel asked,” Why are You allowing this?”

[Before continuing the vision, as a side bar to that conversation, I had the impression the angel and the Lord had been in each other's presence numerous times and had many conversations with one another. What the angel said did not sound disrespectful or challenging at all. I could feel how he was feeling, and it was a genuine question in the midst of such perplexing opposition to come.]

The Lord gazed with love at the angel before Him. “Before I answer your questions,” the Lord replied, “take this child of Mine and show them what is being planned by the enemy.”

Both the angel and the Lord then turned their heads and stared at me. “This will be too much for her,” the angel protested.

“Take her, and show her,” the Lord repeated. (The angel bowed his head to the Lord, then turned towards me.)

I began to back nervously away as the angel approached me. “Where are you taking me?” I asked the angel.

“To the enemy’s camp,” the angel replied.

“Go with him,” the Lord instructed me.

I felt very nervous and afraid, but allowed the angel to touch me. As soon as the angel touched me, we were in darkness. I felt fear engulf me.

“Fear not,” the angel said to me, and instantly, the fear vanished.

The darkness seemed to dissipate, and I discovered that the angel and I were in what appeared to be a great court. A man was sitting on a large throne, and before him were gathered all types of creatures and men. (This “court” had the appearance of a cave. When I first viewed this scene, I felt stunned. I’m not sure why. It was like something “rebelled” in me at what I was seeing.)

“Who is that man on the throne?” I asked the angel. “And who are the creatures and men gathered before him?”

“That is the accuser of the brethren and his armies,” the angel replied.

I then realized that I was in the presence of satan. (When the angel informed me that this man was satan, the fact that he was sitting on a throne amazed me. Later, when I prayed about this aspect of the vision, I felt that the Lord said that satan was trying to copy everything that was God’s in heaven, for himself.)

Satan was speaking, and I heard him say, “This will be our strategy.” He then got up from his throne and went to stand in front of a large map on the wall behind him. As I stared at the map, I became aware that it was a map of the entire world. (It is very hard to describe this “map.” The map wasn’t actually “pinned” or “hanging” on the wall, but it was in front of the wall. But, it was like I could see it from all angles. And also, I could see like “air waves,” “wind currents,” the tides of the seas, etc. I could also see the hemisphere around the world ~~ moons, stars, planets, etc. I really have no words or way to correctly put down the appearance of this “map.”)

Satan began to divide the world into sections. Then, he called out some names. I saw the creatures and the men gathered before satan part, and very large and strong looking angelic beings approached satan. (I saw four of these mighty looking angelic beings.) I could sense the power of these beings, and sensed the evil and wickedness of that power. A hush had fallen over the crowd.

“Who are these beings?” I whispered to the angel who I was with.

The angel I was with seemed concerned. “They are satan’s princes.”

Satan began speaking again, and he was assigning sections of the world to each of these “princes.”

“You will need your armies,” satan said to them. “Choose whoever you will. All is at your disposal.”

The large beings then began to pick and choose who would be in their particular army. (This was by no means “orderly.” There was a great deal of arguing, bickering, etc.) When they were finished, they all turned back to satan and stared at him.

“Each prince will teach you our strategy to deceive and to destroy and to slay mankind,” satan said. “Go with them.”

The princes and their armies began to exit from the presence of satan. The angel and I began to follow one of the groups. They went into what appeared to be a school room. The prince went to the front of the room and began to instruct his army on how to deceive, destroy and slay the people in their particular section of the world that had been allocated to them. The angel and I then went to each “classroom.” The same plans and strategies were being “taught” in each “classroom.” (By the “same” plans, I don’t mean each class was teaching the exact same thing. What I mean, is that each class was very thorough in what it was teaching, and on how to apply what was being taught.)

In some of the classrooms, they were studying political leaders. Their families, homes, lifestyles, etc., were being closely scrutinized. I felt very frightened and helpless, very overwhelmed, as I saw and heard how very thorough these “lessons,” for lack of a better word, were. Nothing was left to chance. Every area of these political leaders’ lives was being dissected and investigated and studied.

Demons were being assigned on how to “attack” and influence and “control” each of these political leaders, their families, and even their friends and co-workers. Nothing was left to chance. Nothing was overlooked. The books they read, the radio stations they listened to, etc., everything, everything was being discussed. The enormity of all of this was absolutely mind boggling to me. This also occurred with the religious leaders.
It was the “religion” classes that frightened and shocked me the most. In these classes, religions of the nations were being studied and discussed. Even New Age and occult, Wicca, tarot, etc., were being discussed. Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., were being discussed. The bibles and books and other writings for all of these religions were being read and studied. Each denomination of Christianity was being studied. The Bible being studied was the major source of information for these “lessons.” This was truly horrifying and shocking to me that demons were reading and studying the Bible. And, it was all for the intent to twist what was written, and to seek ways to misinterpret, misrepresent, etc., it to Christians. The demons were discussing ways to “dilute” the Gospel. They were discussing ways to “incorporate” major beliefs from all the religions into one big acceptable “gospel for humankind.”

Some of the demons in these religion classes were ordered to “infiltrate” churches, were being taken into actual churches, and were watching how the people prayed, worshipped, sang, etc. They were studying how messages were being delivered to the congregations in numerous churches. They were studying the individuals who were used in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit. These individuals were followed around constantly by assigned demons, who watched and listened to everything these people said and did. The friends and family members of these individuals were also studied. The demons discussed ways to drive wedges, etc., between those people who were truly being used of God, and the people they went to church with, and even how to cause these peoples’ own pastors and spiritual leaders to lose faith and confidence in these people who were used in the gifts of the Spirit. I felt so angry and frustrated and helpless as I saw and heard how this was to be accomplished, and how it had already been initiated in many, many congregations, and how it was largely succeeding.

Many of these “religious” demons, for lack of a better word, were being taught how to sing in churches, how to dance in the Spirit, how to pray and teach. I felt at times as if I were going to vomit as I witnessed many demons in these classrooms “practicing” how to worship the Lord, and how to be a Christian. Seeing a demon “dancing before the Lord” is so awful, and so sickening, that there are just no words to describe it adequately.

Some of these more “major” demons could also work “signs, and wonders, and even miracles.” Some of these demons were also being taught how to be “Christ.” This was being done, by actually studying the scriptures. Seeing some of these demons acting and speaking like Christ, shocked me speechless. Seeing them reading the Bible was like an abomination to me.

In some of these classes, even UFO’s and aliens were being discussed, and how to deceive people through these phenomenon. There were classrooms where food and dress and slang words - yes, slang words(!) were being studied. Crops were being studied and discussed. All of this was just so vast, it overwhelmed me.

Suddenly, the “classes” began to leave the rooms. The angel and I followed them. They congregated back in front of satan.

“Report,” satan said. “How will we deceive, destroy and slay mankind?”

One of the princes came forward and began to outline their plans and strategies to satan.

“The people want signs and wonders and miracles from their religious leaders,” the prince said. “We know that our enemy will be, and has begun already, to grant this unto his children. We will slip in with a counterfeit move, and deceive many. We have taught our armies how to mimic worship, praise, and looking and acting like a true believer. We will give unto our armies the ability to work signs, wonders and even miracles. But while all become focused upon these outward manifestations, others of us will begin behind the scenes to dilute the message of the gospel. We will accomplish this partly through speaking to the people about God’s ‘true’ nature. We will allow the people to create God into what and who they want Him to be.”

“Good,” satan said. “Very good.”

The prince began to speak once again. “When the people have created their own version of God, then, we will give them OUR god.”

The crowd before satan began to cheer wildly.

“We must depart !” the angel urged me.

Suddenly, we were back before the Lord. He was still in the midst of His children; laughing with them, talking to them, touching them.

A silence fell over the group once again as the angel I was with once more approached the Lord. The angel reported to the Lord all we had heard and seen in hell.

The angel was very concerned and distressed, asking, “Why are you just sitting here with the people? Why haven’t they been sent to begin battle? How will they be able to discern this coming great deception if they aren’t even aware that one is coming?”

The Lord became grave. His face as He looked at His children was alight with His great love for them. I noticed tears in His eyes. Then, He turned His head and looked at the angel speaking with Him.

“My children will know the false, by knowing the true,” the Lord said. “The longer they spend in My Presence, the more they will know My voice when they hear it. A voice of a stranger, they will not follow.”

“But the enemy has those who have been taught to speak just as You do,” the angel protested. “They sound almost just like You.”

“Almost,” the Lord replied gently. “Almost they sound like Me. Only My sheep who have lingered long in My Presence will know the voice of their true Shepherd. And this is why I spend so much time with My children. I spend as much time with them as they allow Me to. I know very well what the enemy is planning. My plans are plans of love and fellowship.”

The angel and the Lord both fell silent as they gazed at the crowd before the Lord. “Love them well!” the angel replied.

“Yes, a battle is coming,” the Lord sighed, and I saw tears in His eyes. “Great wickedness and persecution upon My children; My true children who know My voice. A time of wickedness and persecution such as has never been seen or experienced. Yet in the midst of it all, I will move, I will bless, I will speak, I will love. I will win. There are those of My children who sense much of this. They are the ones who will never stop praying and interceding; not even in times of seeming peace.”

“What about me, Lord?” I asked.

The angel and the Lord looked at me. “Pray,” the Lord replied. “Tell the prayer warriors to strengthen themselves and their brothers and sisters in the times of peace. I will be pouring out of My Spirit upon all nations and peoples. It will spread to even the most unlikely of places~~ television, magazines, newspapers, radios, even the Internet. And it will be here that the battle will truly begin, and the deception begins.”

The Lord stood up.

“It is time?” the angel asked Him.

“It is time,” the Lord replied.

Then, I was no longer with the Lord or the angel, but praying once again.

John 10 is in my mind; especially verse 14 ~~ “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.”

The Mush god

The Mush God
Nicholas van Hoffman

The Mush God has been known to appear all over the world on Sunday mornings to a great many people wanting to relax and read the Sunday paper and have a nice hot cup of coffee. He is always there to soothe you and put your mind at rest. Always ready to tell you that you deserve the rest today because you have worked so hard during the week. He is also eager to tell you about that really important game on TV, or to remind you about all the things that you need to do around the house this Sunday morning.

During the week the Mush God appears all over the place. He appears with politicians at ribbon-cutting ceremonies, and to clergymen speaking at the start of all the various government legislative proceedings. In fact the Mush God is the god that politicians always seem to turn to. The Mush God just adores politicians.

The Mush God is also the father of the innocuous and harmless prayer. Most people just love to hear the Mush God speak. You could easily get him to give an opening prayer at the start of a hooker's convention, and he would gladly promise that no one at all would be offended. The Mush God is very proud that his beliefs and doctrines are completely non-irritating and non-offensive.

This Mush God loves to interact with other people and he especially loves to show up whenever spiritual questions are being debated. He just loves to talk about his views on tolerance.

The Mush God has no theology to speak of. His is a pure Cream of Wheat type of divinity. Here is finally a God that doesn't believe in strictness and rigidity. His laws seem to be made out of rubber because they bend so much. You can take any of his laws and mold them in a much more, "useful" manner. People just love this Mush God because he is so very easy to get along with. What a convenient god. Oh thank heavens for the Mush God.

The Mush God has no particular credo, no tenets of faith, nothing that would make it difficult for either the believer or the nonbeliever alike to lower their heads when he speaks. In fact the Mush God is not a jealous god at all, and will gladly share the platform with any other gods that anyone might have.

Call him the god of the Rotary, or the god of the optimists. This god is the protector of the Buddy System. The Mush God is the Lord of secular ritual.

The Mush God is a serviceable god who will fit in anywhere. His laws are chiseled not on tablets of stone, but they are written on sand which allows his laws to be open to amendment, qualification, change, and erasure. His laws can easily blend in with the beliefs of anyone.

Here is a God that will compromise with you. He will gladly relax the rules. He will make allowances and declare all wars, of any type, to be holy wars. Here is a god that is all too happy to look the other way.
Here is a god who is a good friend to everyone, in fact the Mush God tells all his friends that they can do no wrong, that all activities are fine with him. And most people just love him for that and are all too happy to follow him, where ever he might lead them.